Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My paintings... a dialog in colours ...

Jackson Pollock says: " The method of painting is the natural growth out of need. I want to express my feelings rather than illustrate them !"
 Since I was a child I have had that need to use colours to get in dialog with my feelings and to express myself. I get a kind of restless feeling inside if I do not make something creative for a while ....I need to disappear into the creative process and " let the colours touch my feelings and get my feelings out in the colours" !!!
  I  mostly work with acrylic ..  I like to use acrylic because you can use technics like watercolours and also use it so you get structures like oilpaintings.
 When I begin my painting I do not have a clear idea of what my paintings gonna look like.
 I always start by choosing the colours I want to work with and then build it up the painting of many transparent layers using different technics.
 After this process I look at it (some time for a long time !!) ... and then I begin the dialog with the painting and the idea comes clear to me !!!
 I will just show to you some of the paintings I have made over the years !!

Another time I will take som photos of the way I work and put on my blog.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Back in 1996 I started to make my own paper ... and like I often do .." I did it my way " !!!
 So without knowing anything about it ... I just made my own experiments.  I used the materials I allready had ... like old newspapers, plants from our garden and a piece old fishnet.
 I mixed the wet newspaper with wallpaper-glue like when you make papermache and found a technique so I could get the expression I wanted.
 I worked with it for some time and was fascinated of patterns the fishnet made in the paper and I had a lot ideas how I could use it.
 But then I was busy doing other things, so it wasn´t until we moved to Bagenkop in 2007 and I saw all this old fishnet laying next to the fishermens sheds at the harbour.
 So I just felt it was time to pick up the idea again !!!
 I like very much the process ... I always make the paper in the summer outside in our garden, because it take a lot of space and is quite wet, so I need the sun and the wind to dry it out.
 It takes more days ... but it´s such a good feeling when it´s dry and ready for decorating !!!
 Unfortunately I have not taken photos of the process ... but I will do it next time and describe how to do !!!

So just now I will show some of my PAPER-ART .....

Friday, April 1, 2011

1000-kunstner ... danish expression for a person being multipassionated and multitalented ...

 The danish word "tusindkunstner" ... "1000-kunstner" ... translated into english ..."thousand-artist"  ... 
describes a person who like to do a lot of different things, always with passion, curiosity and energy ... a person who do not specialize in one thing ... but like to explore and experiment with new materials and techniques !!!
 Both my husbond, Kim Bo and I describes ourselves as "tusind-kunstner" and that´s the reason for the name of our workshop-gallery is ... "Vaerkstedsgalleriet TUSINDKUNST" ...

 My passions are ... painting - drawing - papermache - collage - patchwork - photo -      mosaik - architecture - my garden and the nature - poems and insight in the human mind !!!
 One thing that connect all my interests are my passion for colours ... the bright colours of the rainbow !!!